Pet Loss Library

Connecting with Mr. T. C. After Death

by Kelly Baltzell, M.A.

Dear Karin,

I had my Mr. T. C.(kitty cat) for 17 1/2 years; he was 20 1/2 when he died. I found him at the age of 3 wondering looking for a home and most of all love.

My question is how can I connect with him after death? I have purchased a locket and plan to put some of his ashes in the locket, will that help to connect with him or should I use some of his hair in the locket.

As you have guessed, he was my best friend.

Please. advise me.

Dear Reader:

How wonderful that you want to be in touch with your Mr. T.C. Of course, it is always so sad and difficult to loose some darling pet, and we are sorry for your loss. I really think the locket is a lovely idea, and should help you feel "connected" to your kitty in a nice way.

I don't think it would matter which remembrance that you put in the locket, hair or ashes. My feeling is that you should let your intuition guide you, and put in what you feel is best...or maybe a combination of the two. The important thing is the loving link you have with Mr. T.C. Sometimes the most powerful way to link with a pet is to go sit in that special spot that your cat loved, and close your eyes, and think of him, and all the happy times, or only one happy time, you had together. See yourself being with him, doing what he loved to do with you best, and allow all the happy thoughts, the loving thoughts, surround and fill you.

Best of memories, and do keep in touch and let us know how you are doing, and what worked best for you. Perhaps your discoveries will help others some time along the way.


Kelly Baltzell is the founder of Beyond Indigo. She has her masters in Counseling and Psychology.

“A bird does not sing because it has an answer. It sings because it has a song.” ~ Chinese Proverb

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