Pet of the Month

February Pet of the Month

Our February Pet of the Month is Orla, a 1 year old DSH. This beautiful girl recently stayed with us for a while and was the hit of the hospital!

January Pet of the Month

Our January Pet of the Month is Milo, a 16 1/2 year old DSH. He's been coming in a lot lately for treatments and has been a very brave patient!

December Pet of the Month

Our December Pet of the Month is Lex Luther, an 11 1/2 year old American Staffordshire Terrier. This big handsome fellow is such a lovable guy and we were so happy to have him stay with us recently while his family was away. 

November Pet of the Month

Our November Pet(s) of the Month are Jethro and Paco. These two guinea pigs are best buddies and what one gets, the other has to have too, especially when it comes to treats, getting attention, and being pet of the month. Paco is about 7 years old and has been under Dr. Lorig's care since February 2020 for various health issues. Jethro is about 5 years old and recently came under Dr. Adelsohn's care when he required the surgical removal of a large bladder stone.


October Pet of the Month

Our October Pet of the Month is Marley, a 15 year old domestic shorthair. This sweet and handsome guy has some of the most dedicated pet parents and we love when they all come in for Marley's appointments.


August Pet of the Month

Our August Pet of the Month is Sachi, a 4 year old Border Collie mix. She was recently here for surgery and was such an awesome, brave patient!

July Pet of the Month

Our July Pet of the Month is Peytyn, a 5 1/2 year old Holland Lop. She's super cute and who can resist those adorable floppy ears?!

June Pet of the Month

Our June Pet of the Month is Steffi! This 14 year old girl may be getting older, but don't tell her that! She's still as peppy as ever and such a sweetheart. 

May Pet of the Month

Our May Pet of the Month is Luna, a 12 year old Boston Terrier, who just finished her chemo treatments! Congrats Luna...we're so proud of you!

April Pet of the Month

Our April Pet of the Month is Jacob. This handsome 14 1/2 year old has been here to see us quite a bit lately, but he's always such a pleasure to work with.


March Pet of the Month

Our March Pet of the Month is Buddy. This guy might have a grumpy face sometimes, but he's one of the sweetest guys we know! The whole staff loves when he comes to stay with us. He always answers when we talk to him!

September Pet of the Month

Our September Pet of the Month is Sampson, a 15 1/2 year old Persian. He's quite popular here and we love to see the adorable (and sometimes silly) holiday costume pictures that his dad sends us every few months.


April Pet of the Month

Our April Pets of the Month are Chase, Jake and Abigail, a family of super sweet Chihuahua mixes. We couldn't just pick one...we had to pick all three this month!

March Pet of the Month

Our March Pet of the Month is Charlie, a 10 year old Chihuahua who is as sweet as can be! She looks super cute, whether she has her summer haircut or her winter fluff!

“Ever consider what pets must think of us? I mean‚ here we come back from a grocery store with the most amazing haul - chicken‚ pork‚ half a cow. They must think we’re the greatest hunters on Earth!” ~ Anne Tyler‚ The Accidental Tourist

ServicesVeterinary Services


We have been providing extraordinary veterinary services to Morris County pets for more than a quarter of a century.

Pet of the MonthPet of the Month

Pet of the Month

Learn more about some of our special clients.

921 Route 53, Morris Plains, NJ 07950 • Directions • 973.267.4220