Archive for the ‘Pet Adoption’ Category

Adopting a Dog Into a Family With Children.

Monday, April 25th, 2016

adopting a dog into a family with childrenMaking the decision to have a dog become part of your family is a great one – but remember he or she will be a part of your family for the rest of his or her life, so be sure you are ready for the commitment.  It’s wonderful if you have children that will grow together with your dog, but there are things you should consider before moving forward. (more…)

Adopting A Pet From A Shelter

Wednesday, October 15th, 2014

Adopt a Shelter PetOctober is “National Adopt a Shelter Dog Month”.  So we thought we would share some information about just how rewarding it can be to adopt a pet from a shelter and give it a wonderful, loving home.  There are dogs and cats of all ages, sizes and colors available through shelters and you have a great chance of finding a companion to match your family and lifestyle. (more…)